Source code for GeoHealthCheck.plugins.probe.sta

from GeoHealthCheck.probe import Probe

[docs]class StaCaps(Probe): """Probe for SensorThings API main endpoint url""" NAME = 'STA Capabilities' DESCRIPTION = 'Perform STA Capabilities Operation and check validity' RESOURCE_TYPE = 'OGC:STA' REQUEST_METHOD = 'GET' def __init__(self): Probe.__init__(self) CHECKS_AVAIL = { 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.check.checks.HttpStatusNoError': { 'default': True }, 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.check.checks.JsonParse': { 'default': True }, 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.check.checks.ContainsStrings': { 'default': True, 'set_params': { 'strings': { 'name': 'Must contain STA Entity names', 'value': ['Things', 'Datastreams', 'Observations', 'FeaturesOfInterest', 'Locations'] } } }, } """ Checks avail for all specific Caps checks. Optionally override Check.PARAM_DEFS using set_params e.g. with specific `value` or even `name`. """
[docs]class StaGetEntities(Probe): """Fetch STA entities of type and check result""" NAME = 'STA GetEntities' DESCRIPTION = 'Fetch all STA Entities of given type' RESOURCE_TYPE = 'OGC:STA' REQUEST_METHOD = 'GET' # e.g. REQUEST_TEMPLATE = '/{entities}' def __init__(self): Probe.__init__(self) PARAM_DEFS = { 'entities': { 'type': 'string', 'description': 'The STA Entity collection type', 'default': 'Things', 'required': True, 'range': ['Things', 'DataStreams', 'Observations', 'Locations', 'Sensors', 'FeaturesOfInterest', 'ObservedProperties', 'HistoricalLocations'] } } """Param defs""" CHECKS_AVAIL = { 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.check.checks.HttpStatusNoError': { 'default': True }, 'GeoHealthCheck.plugins.check.checks.JsonParse': { 'default': True } } """Check for STA Get entity Collection"""